
A Handyman is Born:

I’ve been making things ever since I can remember. Making boats to float in the creek at age 5, using scraps of wood, nails, and string from under dad’s work bench. Tinker Toy, Meccano, Kenner Girder & Panel Bridge & Turnpike, I had them all. As a young teenager, I took all the shop classes at school. As a young adult, I was always helping my friends with little projects like building shelves, repairing appliances, and other things.

In the late 70’s, I had this great job working in a Do-it-Yourself Picture Framing store. I got to do what I loved, which was help people build things. Watching people who never thought they could make something, walk out the store with a picture they framed with their own hands was a great reward.

The store was located just down the street from a retirement home, and a part of our clientele consisted of little old ladies with memories to frame. I was often asked if there was anyone that could come over and hang the picture for them. In response to this, we offered a picture hanging service for $5, and it fell upon me to carry out the service.

It is amazing what happens when you step inside a little old ladies’ apartment. There is no end to the odd jobs they need to have done. Before I knew it, I was running a Handyman service on the side. It didn’t take long for the business to expand from picture hanging and small repairs to full renos and commercial work.

In the early 80’s I was given a computer as a Christmas gift from as good friend. This rekindled my passion for electronics, and I soon found myself in post secondary school getting a degree as an Electronics Engineering Technologist. During my 30 years working in the corporate sector, and eventually running my own business, I continued helping friends and family with their projects as well as acquiring a few jobs on the side.

I’ve always looked with fondness at that first business, back so long ago. With a little prompting recently from a business associate, I made the decision to go back to my roots. The space we live in defines our universe in ways we’re often not aware of. Having the right space can mean the difference between getting by and living a great life. Now I’m having a great time making people’s universe right.

e-mail: HandyMan@CreatorConsulting.ca

Call or Text Rob @ 604.219.2397


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